A modern e-learning platform must meet a number of needs of students, teachers and school organizers. Depending on the area of learning (public school, corporate training, etc.) the platform requires different functions, because the portraits and requirements of the system’s users are also different.

The requirements on the student side are:

  • Access to the system from any device;
  • mobile applications for learning (a separate trend – mobile learning, m-Learning);
  • multimedia formats, gamification (especially for children and adolescents);
  • interface of communication with the teacher, the ability to quickly contact and discuss the issue of interest;
  • user-friendly interfaces for courses, lessons and tests;
  • an understandable grading system, the ability to see your progress;
  • quickly find what lesson needs to be done now.

Requirements on the part of the teacher:

  • user-friendly interfaces for creating courses, tests;
  • interfaces for communicating with individual students and groups of students;
  • access to the list of subjects he teaches;
  • the ability to check the materials sent by students, assign grades.

Requirements from the school:

  • Ability to create teacher and other staff accounts;
  • The ability to create a student account (and for secondary schools, a parent account as well);
  • Access to employee and student data;
  • access to grades and statistics for each class;
  • access to payment statistics.