Online education has been around for a long time now. It’s popularity is still on the rise, but it doesn’t seem possible to transfer all educational practices online. Traditional lectures, seminars, practical classes and even degrees are necessary.

Online education is a flexible platform that makes it possible to always find suitable courses for each individual. You can even scale your learning experience from kindergarten to PhD level studies. we will get rid of the situations when we tell each other to wait because “I am guided by strong students, and what the weak don’t understand is their problem. I won’t bore you with the math, but I’ll happily show you how to bring your corpus and computational linguistics skills up a notch. True, but this multi-level course can’t be made in one day. And we generally we don’t see things go so well online: video lectures that are not broadcast with Skype, and “oh sorry, I made a mistake in the sign,” but are recorded with five attempts until they work good and assiduously.

There are still many unanswered questions in regards to accounting, controlling, and paying for education. Offline, hours were used to measure time. For example, the student obtains a number of hours of classes according to the payment they make and the teacher must be in contact with students for a set amount of hours. There’s nothing we can do about this: we can’t forbid people from holding events and conducting boring lectures – it’s only important that they happen. Now, from time to time, you might need to step back and consider the final result.

For example, a lecturer can read the same lecture to different groups of students without needing to repeat themselves. Why should you repeat workshops when you can broadcast a study of tasks and send links to them? Is it worth paying a salary for a teacher who gave a video and now sits on the stove? But did the student receive educational services for which they paid when listening to an audio version of a lecture at different speeds, because the professor speaks slowly? And how can we know if the student has learned anything at all, and be awarded a diploma if exam papers can now be produced with ease? With the right support, governments and communities could be able to solve these issues.

That being said, uncertainty will halt progress in distance education. To be honest, it’s much easier for universities to save and organize Zoom sessions than to think about optimizing processes. I do hope that in the future, those who invent and implement new technology say no to old way of thinking one day.

I disagree that a centralized system is necessary for remote work with students. It makes no sense to deny the vast majority of recognized professionals in a given field who use a platform, just because one group opposes it. It is important to come to teachers and ask them how to create the conditions for productive work. If you invent a system out the blue, it will be too difficult for everyone else.

I believe that AI courses will not replace live-classes. Online learners must fit into the traditional learning environment and some subjects like science can be easier with some feedback. Lecturing without a blackboard is more challenging. In this situation, you only get to see students after the lecture is over and get their feedback on what they just learned. This means that during the lecture itself, there’s no way to know if they’re following along or understand everything that was taught. If a teacher records a lecture for an online course in front of them, they are not in front of real people, but instead an average student. The lecturer is then forced to reduce the material’s quality to this average person’s level, which can lead some students receiving less knowledge while others.

There are so many great online opportunities – from a chance to communicate in a new way to the potential for living without paper. Lots of reports, documentation and short assignments can live online. Online practices have become commonplace. Online platforms have been extensively used at our university for a long time. Canvas, OneDrive etc are being increasingly used by faculty to convey information about their courses with digital tools & aid for students. With the ability to message or email teachers, they are much more accessible to students. This is a huge plus for education! However, this increase in accessibility also makes teachers’ workloads significantly larger.

All things considered, online education is best suited for a motivated and very dedicated audience, such as graduate students. Many students often struggle: the online mode is noticeablelly less challenging and more relaxing. Even motivated students need time to adapt to a new work schedule, and those who lack motivation find the transition insurmountable. For learning to be effective, the online class schedule should be designed as if it were live lectures and seminars. It is important to come to school on time. If you miss classes, you will make things hard for both teachers and other students in the class. This should not be allowed.

One of the most exciting trends in education today is online learning. I think that in the future it will become a necessary ingredient of a rounded educational process. Online tools will allow educators to do things they were never able to achieve before, such as individualizing courses and using them as a platform for fulfilling other educational priorities. However, in order to maintain the quality of education and the speed of assimilation of information there should be a balance between online and traditional teaching techniques.

To learn more about the possibilities in an online education, you’ll need to investigate in which aspect it deals. Online learning doesn’t do an adequate job of teaching skills. It’s difficult to master skills without guidance from an experienced tutor. There’s no better way to learn than by transferring skills from master to student. You can learn a lot of skills from YouTube tutorials but you will need a teacher to go along with them. Without feedback and help, teaching is not as effective. With video tutorials, you can learn how to run. But if you have a trainer, they will help you avoid injuries that might occur by doing the technique incorrectly.

Distance learning has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, especially since the pandemic. This is due to the fact that many skills can’t be transferred to students without the ability to interact with them in person — which is not possible when they’re infected. A mentor is what every ~future~ surgeon needs by their side. Someone who can guide them, help them learn and understand new skills, and provide feedback on the ~surgeon’s~ progress. One of the most important skills for an architect to develop is experience. You can learn some skills through video tutorials, but you are not fully ready for the workplace until you have spent time designing in a physical space with others.

Knowledge transfer is quite different to other forms of information like video or audio. Knowledge can be presented online in many ways, including text, images, illustrations etc. The way you are presenting it can help us understand the knowledge better. Online, consumers, students of any level can absorb knowledge at their own pace. In a flipped classroom system, students interact with each other to discuss what they have learned before class starts. You can also provide a blended learning system in which the content is delivered outside of the classroom. Professors have noted that many students watch and listen to lectures by professors on online resources, and they even recommend them.However, if you need to, you can’t substitute a snappy audio or video lecture or the latest amazing long-form science journalism piece. It’s simply impossible to re-create the effortless flow of information that comes with these formats.

The most effective & constructive way to combine online and offline education is to learn skills and methods offline and acquire knowledge online. Learning only about the internet won’t get you a prestigious social status. Until now, education received online was not perceived by potential employers as being substantial enough. It will be a decade before people who have grown up online begin making hiring decisions in the professional world. The internet provides plenty of skills & knowledge that can be used when it comes to certain positions, so they’ll need an education diploma, even though it’s no longer necessary for many jobs.